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Danielle is a certified coach, weaver + teacher currently living in Upstate Ny.

She has created Every Thread Handwoven from years of experience weaving fabrics as well as weaving relationships of many kinds into the fabric of her life. She aspires to discover + stand in her own power in new ways, continually learning how to live a more vulnerable + intentional life.

Coming from a childhood background that fostered co-dependency, poor boundaries, and anxious attachment in relationships, she has sought awareness + skills in relationship dynamics, communication, + somatic experiencing, finding that all of these things culminated into her finding her spiritual practices of magic + craft, weaving not just physical fabrics, but also weaving the fabric of life.


Every Thread Handwoven was created with so much intention and dedication to process. Yes, the fabrics she creates are in fact handwoven, every single thread held, placed, threaded and woven. And, Every Thread Handwoven is about how every thread of our lives, too, are handwoven. That each part, each choice, each experience is woven together to create the fabric of our lives. As we become more aware, more intentional, we become the hand that is creating that fabric + more refined, more intricate fabrics and patterns can emerge and materialize. Through our relationship with ourselves we can affect change outside of ourselves. We are all weavers.


I began weaving to connect with craft. To slow down. To feel connected to process, to creation, and to remember how to be in integrity with the things in my life. Through this work, and all the other threads that contribute to my learning and experience, I have come to find that the relationship we have with ourselves is the guidepost for all the other relationships in our life. Every Thread Handwoven, has become a metaphor, quite literally, for getting into alignment with how I want to live. Choosing, which threads to make the patterns and the foundation for the fabric of my life, just as I choose and align the threads to make handwoven textiles.

You can reach me here!

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